Please join me on Tuesday August 20th for the VIRTUAL launch party for STAINED. Starting at 9 a.m and going to . . . well . . . possibly, till the cows come home, or the cock crows, or until we get tossed out of Three Sips Distillery!
I hope you’ll join us. We are going to have all sorts of events. I’ll introduce you to some of the characters that reside in Crossroads, especially Revell, Scarlett, and the Sisters. You have got to meet the Sisters, the hundred year old cherokee triplets, Miss Ruby, Miss Pearl, and Miss Sapphire are wise women you don’t want to let down, and only Scarlett is allowed to call them Red, White, and Blue.
I’ll answer questions about STAINED, have contests, including a Rafflecopter with a huge prize pack. Talk about all things Southern, show you some of my grandmother’s homemade quilts, and pictures of my daughters dressed as Southern belles in costumes I made for them. Who knows what else might happen once we start passing the moonshine around?
Look forward to seeing you there! Until then, Happy Reading & Reviewing,
Elizabeth Marx
Elizabeth, CoNgrATuLatiOns!!
Looking forward to celebrating with you here and on my book blog and social media. So excited for you and ready to party! Cheers!
24 more hours…. 🙂
Thanks for all your support. I really appreciate it!
Happy writing week to you and looking forward to partying with you tomorrow!
Are you going to write the sequel to 'Binding Arbitration'?
Yes I am, it will probably come out sometime next year. I will have a short coming out in an anthology that has Fletch & Tricia's story and then Black Orchid is Tony & Evita's story. Thanks for asking!